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MRP/ERP Pricing

About 123insight selection, implementation and subscription

123insight is available for a low monthly subscription with no minimum contract period. Furthermore, you only pay for the system when you are 100% sure that it will work for you. Start by attending one of our free events to see the software. If you feel that it's a good fit for your business then attend the six days of 'No Obligation' training, on the understanding that if the system doesn't work for you then you walk away with nothing to pay (and with a lot more knowledge about MRP than when you started). After that, just register for the number of licences required, which you can increase or decrease per month as required.

About licences

Licences are client licences, not concurrent. By 'client licences' we mean a licence per PC, and not the number of PC'’'s that can use 123insight at the same time (this would be concurrent). For example, a 10 licence requirement would mean 123insight being installed on 10 separate machines.